Stress-Free Week!!

by baggie on 6:05 AM

Wohoooooooo!! Finally, I have the time to indulge myself into something that I want or want to do! I'm done with my graphic designer profession (trust me, you wouldn't want to have a LIFE like one) and I'm switching myself to an international trading business!! I think i had obtained enough experience squashing my brain to be a perfect graphic designer and enough life experience liasing with fucked up clients. I'm looking forward to a much more non hectic life, so i guess dealing with international clients means that I'll only need to make sure my bum's seated in front of the computer sending and replying emails.

But before I would like to start off to that (which includes designing the international trading company's logo, data entry, opening a company's bank account, bla bla bla), I am gonna lavish myself with good books, good Dvd's, great shopping spree and chocolates!! Hell yeah, loads of chocolates (I don't give no fucks bout my weighing scale going screw loose)!!

I finally met my chatter friends, the night devils, to whom, i seek entertainment and laughter, while staying up late trying to finish some idiotic client's demand. They were cool peeps, they were what I've expected them to be. All crazy and funny. I had a shock though, Ally's boobies were really THAT huge... and I do mean REAAAAALLL HUGEEEE!!! I bet her boyfriend does enjoy having great breast fuck with her... Hahahaha (sorry Ally, I can't resist)!! Farah's cool, the typical hip-hop princess you'll see on mtv. Very girly and at the same time, groooovy (groovy?? That's sooo 70's!)!!

Then there's Fiona, the girl from Sarawak, Coconut Ice she calls herself, heh (why coconut ice, i had no idea)!! She has a loud laugh, and there are times i just can't figure out what she's actually laughing at (she's just too bubbly that's all, no serious insanity is concerned here, hehehe). Faiz is quiet, doesn't talk much. He has a nice row of teeth though, which did turned on someone (finger pointing at *secret*)!! Hehehe.

Joe's cool. He looked more like a pirate DVD dude to me, with his Fat Albert cartoon shirt on and his pouch slinged over his chest. Kekekeke, he's gay by the way, he tried courting my Calvin that night, giving my Calvin cheeky winks and horny smiles (*sick*). Rei was all Zainal Abidin, checking out every single girl that passed by. Don't ask how i knew, I caught him looking!! Anyway, i think he didn't found what he was looking for becauseeeeee, later on, he went to have a good chat with my sis (I'll definately kill Rei if i saw him trying to make a pass at my sis)!!

Then there's the trumper girl, the Inch guy, the Zheng guy, Aree and some peeps I didn't knew. Everything was fun, everyone was friendly. I like all of them, wouldn't mind inviting them to my wedding sometimes later (few more years, excuse me).

Oh and I'm happy to have bought myself a good cellphone. W800i, cool walkman and a good 2.0 megapixels camera. It was just the right thing to lavish myself with (after those hard times i had working my arse off!).

Ah well, I'm going to sleep now. I've been babbling quite alot, I have to spare some stories for the next post few days later. Anyway, I shouldn't be sleeping at 7a.m anymore. Need to get back to the normal life now, Calvin has been patient with me for the past one and a half month for not having me sleeping beside him. I love him dearly, so I couldn't bear seeing him missing me so much in bed (Hahahahaha)!!! So ciao!! Muacks!!
3 Response to 'Stress-Free Week!!'
  1. Sexy.Chewbacca'> 4:16 PM


    omg. i know my boobies are awesome.


    Joe is definitely gay maaan.

    Rei is quiet tho, not what he potrayed in chat rooms!

    Faiz is not THAT quiet, well he was quiet that night, but he's full of sarcasms! Sakit hati dengar dia cakap

    Iskandar is exactly what I expected him to be,fuckign loves to irritate me, but nevetheless, I still sayang him.

    And YOU, I was surprised that you didn't run off to the toilet every 5 mins! HAHAHAAHAH


  2. Jouhari'> 1:57 AM

    yea im gay.... seing your titties wont do a thing to me. get under in front of me.. wont even blush.. nope, nothing, im gay...


  3. PuppyBella Speaks'> 2:02 AM

    LOL my brother is gaaaay!!

    evie how could u?! LOL.. ghaaa

    and oy me typical hip hop princess ??

    i just love BLINGS! does that make me a hip hop princess? hmmm LOL

    i LOVE u!