*Side Business*

by baggie on 6:24 PM

My Imaginary *Friend*
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Another illustrated picture I did of a friend of mine. 90% accuracy. Hahaha her moles are so obvious in this picture.... Can't help laughing bout it. I think I'm gonna start doing a small business bout it too.. perhaps like Rei's idea... Charging each portrait for the sum of RM25. *ROFL* Hmmm... lemme think about it.

I bought a guitar for my darling last Sunday, it is not an expensive one, just a normal guitar which costs me RM235 (I'm broke so.... have to buy cheapo one lah) (Pyramid, what a name!). He strums his guitar for me almost every night before we go to sleep... *hubba hubba* ... My hunkie~~ *ROFL* I had printed a few guitar tab's with my favvie songs in it... mysterious girl, my girl ... etc...all good great old love songs.

Okay, i gotta go and cookie... Darling's coming homie in another half an hour's time!! Ciao~!!
1 Response to '*Side Business*'
  1. PuppyBella Speaks
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/side-business.html?showComment=1150316220000#c115031624098272289'> 4:17 AM


    imaginary friend u ni kan apsal mcm muka fake habis?!

    hmmm specially the pose konon manja tu? LOL tak boleh blahhhhh


    love u nevertheless evie :x

    perempuan fake mana kau amik pic n lukis ni babe? :>