*My exceptional Likings*

by baggie on 5:21 PM

Voila!! These pics that you've just seen above were ripped(copied) off from calender covers decades ago (the older playboy calender version). These postcards (there are a few more of all sizes, which I'm lazy to scan and yeah they minimized the images to postcards) which I've obtained from Jonker Street in Malacca, are my current obsessions. I'd suddenly taken on the likings for old old pictures. Sounds kinda creepy, huh? I think they are very 'vintage' looking and would be great decors in frames. I actually have a few of these framed on my office wall. It suites the theme of my office room.

Oh by the way, my office room's theme were made to suit my company's name "Chopstickloft". A little bit of Chinese were implemented in the name because I thought it would sound 'special' and 'mystic' and also 'vintage'. And yes, people do often mistaken the name for a chinese restaurant, sigh but then again, my clients remember the name perfectly well.

My office room is in yellow corn, with the 'vintage' pics framed in dirty red on the wall. I have a humongous oak-made desk where my pc, fax-machine, paper tray, (surveying what's on my table) telephone, desktop speakers, a jar of candies, pen holders, a picture of me and Calvin, scanner and my name card holder, are located on. An Ikea shelf is holding my big fat files, reference books, some other 'vintage' collections of mine, little plush piggies and a multi-purpose box (stored with rubbish). Next to it is another side desk where it holds my clumsy Samsung laser printer.

Located at the north east of my office room is my feng-shui water feature where I've a few little 'peacock' fishes living in it. And there were supposed to be a few water plants ( i forgot the name) in it, but because there were no sunlight coming through my office room, they died. Kinda sad... no roots for the fishies to play hide-and-seek.

My office room makes me feel very comfortable and cheerful (despite the fact that i do swear and get frustrated at times in this room, but those are the clients to blame for), yellow works fine for me. Oh I also have a large world map hung on the wall behind me, it was suppose to mean "I own the world", Calvin said that to me when he bought it. Hahahaha... maybe that will come true when my International Trading business kickstarts.

Oh i forgot to mention, I have a clock on the wall too... *ROFL*!!!
20 Response to '*My exceptional Likings*'
  1. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151036100000#c115103611568859732'> 12:15 PM

    wow..these are "old playboys"...of what decade..lol...besides the first one (which is mildly arousing at best)lol..there's nothing really provocative about it...in fact i think the last one may have made me impotent...lol...nice blog, great read..tq


  2. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151044740000#c115104477314801030'> 2:39 PM

    Hahahaha hilarious guy you are LOL... thanks for stopping by. My blog is just for leisure thingy... nothing to provoke anyone here... :P


  3. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151169780000#c115116980786966625'> 1:23 AM

    hmm...i can imagine your room to be something of a fortune telling gypsie's room...lol... although that corn yellow seems like a pretty nice color...funny, i remember the first time i painted my bedroom, i think i was 14 then, color was smoked red....i can still recall those first words of compliment to ever spew out of my fathers mouth when he walked into my room, he went "what the hell..", ah yes and my mother's.. "..are you crazy.." and not forget beloved sister's "...he's doing drugs.." comment.lol


  4. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151175720000#c115117573246991837'> 3:02 AM

    LOL ... RED??!! so the panas??actually previously the yellow room was in water bleu color... u can imagine being in that room... whoooaaa floating in the sea!!


  5. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151203860000#c115120387904612218'> 10:51 AM

    aik...wait, so the previous room was blue and now you've painted yellow over it... hmm arts 101, blue+yellow= green... ???lol


  6. John
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151303880000#c115130393545719510'> 2:38 PM

    Talk about the evolution of porn... LOL


  7. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151305380000#c115130543998663775'> 3:03 PM

    LOL... well luckily i've painted two layers of yellow... or else it would have been greeeeeeeen...... Manny

    LOL john... see how the wonders grow through the years of porn?? *ROFL*


  8. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151363760000#c115136378566692956'> 7:16 AM

    I'm curious though, If I may ask...are you an artist of some sort..? I've noticed those 'cartoon-esque' real life drawings of people in the previous posts, they're quite fantastic.


  9. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151390640000#c115139066834808691'> 2:44 PM

    Oh, thank you for appreciating my work. I was graduated from a design school. I enjoy illustrating the many faces of celebrities. Why? wan me to illustrate your picture? Can no problemo.... ROFL ... I chargeeeee.. LOL


  10. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151418960000#c115141900250570241'> 10:36 PM

    Design School....fascinating!... So that would mean your a designer of...?! haha, thank you fer the offer but no thanks...lol... most people say i resemble very very closely to this illustrated picture here...lol


  11. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151474340000#c115147435799936324'> 1:59 PM

    LOL Manny, really..... you must be skinny as a stick... and a smartly dressed too LOL


  12. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151483640000#c115148369550305020'> 4:34 PM

    I got nicknamed Scraps when i was at primary school. i had no ass, matchstick legs and i was flat as an ironing board. I got so upset when i got teased i used to wear 3 pairs of pants so i looked fatter. I dont give a shit now though. Im healthy enough!!lol

    Thankfully, i have filled out a bit in all those places since then too! :-)


  13. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151559720000#c115155974162546795'> 1:42 PM

    *ROFL* Manny ure a hilarious guy!! 3 pairs of pants so that u'll have an ass........ LOL LOL


  14. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151640480000#c115164052128582955'> 12:08 PM

    Hey, back then with the complex and often mind-boggling course of primary school politics and all having an ass was the difference between surviving an ass-kicking and actually being considered for stuff. Seriously when I was the 'wimpy' me back in physical ed. class in Std 3 I was the kid they choose after the cripple kid ...for FOOTBALL!!! But after version 2.0 of me came out with all the right 'curves'..oh yeah, all of a sudden I became goalie material... :D


  15. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151648880000#c115164892751768067'> 2:28 PM



  16. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151654820000#c115165486539932053'> 4:07 PM

    haha...haiz...school politics is a lot more trecherous then any other politics id' say...lol..


  17. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151662920000#c115166294738645416'> 6:22 PM

    Oh yeah... very true... School politics can change YOUR life... but other politics, you can choose not to let them have any effect on you. Hehehehe...


  18. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151663220000#c115166324703724042'> 6:27 PM

    whatthehelleverythingalsocannot.blogspot = that's millionaire John's addy... can't access to it... LOL he must be having a hard time getting a blog from blogger... *ROFL*

    Millionaire John, u need help to get a blogger url?? Wait a minute.. are you the same John at my chat box?? Haiya why you wanna be so mysterious eh....


  19. John
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151663760000#c115166379428765551'> 6:36 PM

    Ahhh..... goodie good! More options..... hahaha! winks


  20. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-exceptional-likings.html?showComment=1151668380000#c115166843195828456'> 7:53 PM
