*Moments To Ponder*

by baggie on 4:55 PM

I think these pictures are very touching. All those things they show on TV about the American soldiers being mean and bad, are so not true. Look at them, they don't even want to be there. They don't even want to make enemies. They grieve upon those they've killed. They miss home so badly that they do not wish to be at war. They don't even know what the war's about. Poor soldiers.

Many of my American friends told me that they dislike Bush. He is giving a hard time to the soldiers there. Wasting their life to something that isn't worth dying for. Having a war without a proper intention, but to continue his father's mission to have a revenge on Iraq. It is Bush we should blame on, not the poor soldiers. They are just there to do their duty. Pity...
3 Response to '*Moments To Ponder*'
  1. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/07/moments-to-ponder.html?showComment=1152761820000#c115276183477487301'> 11:37 AM

    As my dad would always say, "The only way you will ever know what really happened is if you watched it with your own eyes first hand..". I can see why he'd say that. The mass media is and have always been about ratings. You rarely get the real new from any one particular new agency, be it TV3 or CNN or Al-Jazeera or some other network. Every media is biased in a way, some more so then others i believe but thats another story. The media will only consider reporting what make the loudest noise, a soldier taking time to pat a cat or a little girl being reunited with her parents is nothing compared to Brad Pitt and Angie's new baby or say how and when the terrorists are gonna strike next. It's all about how much noise you can get. I mean, look at it. Afghanistan now actually allows for women to get higher education, housing area are now being supplied with basic necessaties..a first in many decades. But the media concentrates not on these things. You gotta digg pretty deep in web news to find them.


  2. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/07/moments-to-ponder.html?showComment=1152769800000#c115276980630066831'> 1:50 PM

    Yes indeed, medias are brainwasher equipments. What's worst is the human race just agrees to whatever they were shown and told. All bad nuthing good. Sad to see it that way.


  3. Mechanism8
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/07/moments-to-ponder.html?showComment=1152804240000#c115280428768230164'> 11:24 PM

    Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class--the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn't want you to know something, it won't be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up.