*Wedding Bells*

by baggie on 2:21 PM

Attended a wedding dinner last Sunday, yep the night before Italy met their rival, France. I wore almost all blue that day (wasn't supporting any of the football teams mind you). Had a blue skirt on, with a blue pair of earrings, blue shawl. White low cut top (ehemm), white 4 inch heels (4 inch!! Darn my feet was like screaming for help that night), white baggie, and white eye shadows to go with it.

It was my first Christian wedding. It was kinda funny, maybe because I'm all used to a Chinese wedding. They had 'toasts' instead of the 'yam seng', they had talks, testimonials from family and friends and loads more, while the chinese had none of those. The bridegroom was Calvin's friend, an air steward who is not bad looking while the bride was very pretty looking. A mixture of German and Thai in her. (I'm Nepalese mixed with Indo Chinese mixed with pure chinese, how come I'm not pretty also?? Gah~ must have ang moh blood then only pretty is it?? Sheesh!)

We had the normal chinese course dinner, no pork though. It was fun, she had her flying friends attended as well, the girls were kinda good looking, but the guys were 'oh my god' looking... Hahahaha.... erm, well we did talk to some of them in the married couples suite. We had a 'drink till you're drunk' session with the bridegroom in their suite. Oh yeah he was so knocked out. I had a few glasses of wine and a glass of whisky, not bad for that night. I wasn't drunk, I am never drunk! Why?? I wanna feel drunk.. *LOL* <---- that made me sound like an alcoholic huh!
Our night ended at 2a.m, yes another hour to go for the World Cup Final match, but we were too tired to go and watch it, anyway we weren't so into the teams, Italy and France. Dissapointed that it wasn't Portugal or Germany playing at the finals. We have to sleep early too because the next morning me and Calvin (yes, he purposely took off to help my mom, oh my hunk *batting eyelashes*) gotta go help my mom shift all her humongous stuffs from Setapak to Kepong (with a lorry of course).

Well, finally we had all her stuff shifted out from that horrid place, my stepdad really despise that place, and yeah they are staying 5 minutes away from us now in Kepong. No more long trips just to go and see my mom anymore! Wohoo!!

Oh well, nothing much for me to pen down, nothing INTERESTING for me to mention. So I bid you dear diary a bye bye for now, hehe.

Oh oh oh oh!! Calvin asked me the other day, will I be his wifey, marry him, a simple guy who is 7 years older than me. *blushes* Hehehehe, well, it wasn't a formal proposal, but he asked me in the morning when we woke in bed. I wonder what he dreamt the night before. Hehehe, must have dreamt of me chasing after him with a knife or something like that. *LOL*

Ok diary, bye bye!! *muack*

3 Response to '*Wedding Bells*'
  1. PuppyBella Speaks
    7:55 PM

    omg evie! that's SO sweet! calvin asked u THE QUESTION!!


    i love BOTH of you!!!



  2. Mechanism8
    10:46 AM

    You missed the World Cup for a wedding..? I shalt never comprehend the logic of a women, NEVER!!!lol... Hey he popped the question, I'm glad for ya!!! So what may i refer to you now, Evie or Mrs.Cal...?? :P


  3. baggie
    1:38 PM

    Nyah ha ha ha ha.... erm, thank you, but of course, not yet register means not yet Mrs.Calvin la adus... LOL...