*Stress Stress And Stress*

by baggie on 5:47 PM

It's been a long long time since I've updated my blog. I'm miraculously being granted a four day break, I mean the whole office, tantatively speaking. That is why I, Evelyn H.C Ng, suddenly had sometime for myself to update my oh-so-berhabuk-blog.

Oh yes, I've been working non stop for the past three weeks++ for Nescafe Kickstart's roadshow, (where part of the props such as the buntings, skin-slicing posters, nescafe samplings, bla bla bla, have been hopping around unis and colleges with me in my pooor SLK *small little kelisa*) and will be, for another four following weeks. And yes, the job is helping me reducing my plumpness a little, Kah kah kah~!!

It is not something that I'm proud working for but I do admit that I'd gained loads of different experiences through it. From the types of people I meet everyday, to the very bad hair day i get when the client suddenly just had the thought of dropping by surprisingly at my roadshows (spotchecking). You just have to get a glance at my face on that particular day, I'm so totally upside down, worrying about this and that, ambassadors', props' and the stoopid freaking Nescafe song's. (early in the morning, sudahlah dengar that idiotic song on the radio, lagi have to layan the song at the roadshow being played at a moronic 6-hours worth of looping. I dont wanna tell you which song it is, if you're a brand awareness kind of person, you should have known which song it is by now, darn irritating!)

I will be outstationed the next following week, to Kedah's and Penang's and to some other 'jungles'' unis and colleges. I'm hoping for a whimsy 'roadshow' road trip, can't wait to taste all of the local delicacies they are serving there. I don't wanna be like
Fiona, pergi Penang bukannyer makan laksa, makan kat gerai mamak plak, adus~!! Hehehe...

And yes, Calvin has been lau-kai-ing (merajuk) on me spending little time with him now (i go work 6.45am, go home 5-8pm, flat sleep 10-12am). Hehehehe, but he is so sweet, he understands my job very well, and hey it's merely for two months I'm on for this. He's been very supportive physically, mentally and atm-ly. (kih kih kih) I shall reward him sometimes later after my job is done, ngeh he he he.

Fast updates:-

- Went to PBD (Pusat Bandar Damansara, if you tatau what PBD was) today to do my first passport but for some idiotic moronic reason, my 'fuck the world' MyKad chip cannot be read, so therefore, there goes my 6.30am buta-buta pergi beratur. Have to bring my birth cert along the next trip I'm going (Tuesday I think).

- My first ever friend i got to know from KL, is going to leave for Newcastle, England soon, 14th of September, to continue his Law studies. And yes, he is taking that opportunity to go watch football, damn! I couldn't see him off to the airport cause I'm in Kedah running my roadshow on that particular day, and I do feel bad for not sending him off to the airport. I think I'll try making up to him by sending him a carton of ciggarettes to England some other month, hehehe.

- I'm going to Chiang Mai on the 20th - 22nd of September, and yes on the 23rd I'm still working for silly Nescafe.

- Finally on the 28th of September will be the end of Nescafe Kickstart Roadshow~!! Hooray~!! And there will be parties and parties and lots of parties for me and everyone~!!

Erm, don't think I have left anything else unmentioned. Well, till then, when I'll be granted more breaks again will I pen down more hot sizzling news on my life!! Adious, hasta manana~!!

Hugs & Kisses,
Evie the notti (notti given by Ming Han, hehehe)

p/s: Don't ask why i changed my font colors, i just feel like it.
2 Response to '*Stress Stress And Stress*'
  1. Coconut Ice
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/09/stress-stress-and-stress.html?showComment=1157119260000#c115711926266117083'> 10:01 PM

    client wanted to eat at kedai mamak..nak buat camner..ikot jee


  2. baggie
    http://dirty-dancing-fairy.blogspot.com/2006/09/stress-stress-and-stress.html?showComment=1157173020000#c115717306427066540'> 12:57 PM

    sian nana.. *sayang balik* ... client ko nih mamak freak kot...